Monday, April 28, 2008

Lederhosen + iPod = dream come true

Anyone that knows me well, knows that I was born in Germany and that I once wore lederhosen in a school play.
I often look back on those days and wonder why such an amazing fashion choice never took off in the US. Perhaps the time has come. As everyone and their grandmother now owns an iPod, it's time for total fashion-tech integration with Lodenfrey's new lederhosen with iPod controls.

I kid you not. You know what's on my Xmas list.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Average Homeboy

If you haven't seen this yet, then I'm not quite sure what rock you've been hiding under. But I'll save the lenghthy intro. Enjoy his tight flow and groundbreaking video effects. After you see this, I think you'll just be "Blazed"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nature v. Nurture?

I clearly need to get out more. Living along in the woods really has impaired my sense of humor.  This is what cleaning the litter box suddenly made me think of this morning. Thank David Cross and Michel Gondry!